Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Little House That Could

This morning, I ate a Cream Egg at 10am. That can only mean one thing: Easter!

We had a group of neighbours around for a BBQ breakfast this morning and the kids had an Easter Egg hunt through the garden, which was lovely and sweet until it wasn't anymore. Toddlers fighting over chocolate does start to grate on your nerves pretty quickly.

It was a nice break from Little House renovations though, which have been dominating the rest of the long weekend. 

Dan has pulled something in his shoulder, but has still been soldiering through to get the bathroom done.

Dan just whipped up a tub frame. Word. #littlehouserebirth

To make matters worse, he broke his favourite pair of Birkenstocks and has had to work in these ones, which he calls his Obamastocks (see below). They always fall off his feet and make him generally irritable.

Dan's mum came to stay and look after Lucinda so I could get busy building the flatpack kitchen.

Lu and her grandma are hard at work this afternoon.

Lu did duck in to do some quality control, however.

Flatpack monkey.

Here's a sneak peek at the floors, which have come up beautifully.

Little house's floors are done.

Finally, I had a piece about our decision to move out here published on Mamamia today. You can click here to read it, or - if you've just come from Mamamia - click here to go to this blog's little Facebook page. 

Happy Easter all!


  1. I bet Obama has never built a bathroom!...what a trooper dan!....and yep those floors look beautiful! happy easter...I just sneakily threw a few choc eggs in the bin.....cranky kids with tummy aches I can do without. x

  2. Dan's the man! Why didn't I find a Dan when I was looking all those years ago?! Oh, well I did get a nice box of chocolates for Easter so he can't be all that bad.
    The old Post Office's transformation is really moving along now, you've come a long way in a short few months.

  3. Those floorboards are gorgeous. So glad you restored them when others may have just ripped them up.

  4. Fantastic, i think you blog views are going to go through the roof. The floors are such a beautiful colour and last for yonks.

  5. The floors have come up well indeed.
    Good to hear easter brought with it a little break from all the house work.

  6. Love the article, reads very well and the floorboards are looking fab. You guys are powering along over there, very inspiring. mel x

  7. Your floors look great. Could you e mail the name of the polishers as we are in dire need of one and will only use word of mouth after some dodgy jobs done for friends. I think the Obamastocks look very cool. Mine still likes to pull out the manky Tevas.

  8. Is Mr President sitting on an Easter egg? I dare any kid in the White House Easter Egg Hunt to pull that one out from under him!

    Floorboards look spectacular. You'll have a veritable Country Homestead and Estate once you've finished!

  9. Great work their guys. I bet you'll be happy to see the beginning of May, when (fingers crossed) the house will be occupied and this project will be put to bed.

  10. ohhhh those floors! this house is coming along beautifully, you guys are really talented! can't wait to see the finished products!!!

    ps - I don't think Lucinda could be ANY cuter!

    xx, kara

  11. Floorboards look amazing Edwina! Great article - the comments were rather interesting. I feel like we live very much in the country here on our 50 acres but since it is only 15 minutes from Hobart i guess many of those commenters would consider this to be suburbia if the way they define 'country' is anything to go by. Very interesting. You guys are doing such a fab job! Mel x
